Teaching Practice Partnership Model in Pre-Service Teacher Education (INSHIP)

Dissemination event at Masaryk University

On May 6, 2022, the MU partner from Czech Republic organized an INSHIP dissemination event at Masaryk University. The participants were school mentors, academics, policymakers and other stakeholders from Brno and South Moravian region, from Zlin region, Vysočina region, and Prague.

The participants were very interested in the topic of students‘ internships in schools. Some of the school mentors confirmed that they are sometimes missing more information about the students evaluation and they are missing the supervision of their work. The academics welcomed a new view on the internship and they appreciated the INSHIP model as an inspiration for their work. They mainly appreciated the quality indicators they can use in their practice directly. The organizers at MU created a space for exchange of the experience between academics and school mentors.

Implementation of a multiplier event organized by the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Implementation of a multiplier event organized by the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

On Wednesday 15 June 2022, the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, organised a multiplier event at the Faculty of Education, University of Maribor. At the event we presented the results of the project INSHIP and discussed them with the academic staff involved in the organisation of teaching practice. In the second part of the meeting we discussed the highlighted elements and connected them with concrete experiences in organising, implementing and evaluating students’ teaching practice.

From the INSHIP team three members participated, Dr Mojca Juriševič, Dr Mojca Pečar and Neža Podlogar. All in all, the discussion was fruitful and participants praised the opportunity to share information and experiences related to pedagogical practice.

A snapshot from the multiplier event at the Faculty of Education, University of Maribor.

Sixth Transnational Project Meeting

Sixth Transnational Project Meeting

On 16 and 17 May 2022, the INSHIP team held the sixth transnational project meeting. The meeting was hosted by the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, and was special for two reasons: it was the last transnational project meeting and was also organised in face to face, meaning that we could meet in person in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Partners reported and discussed the results of intellectual outputs 1 and 2, evaluated learning, teaching and training activities and made plans for multipliers. We also focused on dissemination of the project results (INSHIP website, publications, final conference) and further opportunities for transferring the project results into study programmes within and outside the education sector.

Meeting face to face after such a long time of Zoom meetings was refreshing – participants were full of ideas, enthusiasm and motivation.

The first multiplier of the University of Primorska, Slovenia took place on Wednesday, 18 May 2022

The first multiplier of the University of Primorska, Slovenia took place on Wednesday, 18 May 2022

The opening part of the Career Fair included the presentation of the INSHIP model and course, which was developed as part of an international project in the field of teacher education and whose background is a social constructivist paradigm that emphasises situational learning and the role of collaboration and the professional learning community in bridging the gap between theory and practice in teacher education. This, however, can be overcome through authentic learning and in the context of concrete working environments. The presentation was given by Prof. Anita Trnavčević and was listened to by representatives of employers who attended the Career Fair of the University of Primorska. In conclusion, the participants exchanged views and it was a pleasure to observe the reaction to the presented content, which is an important indicator of interest in the project.

Vir slik: Arhiv FM, objavljeno z dovoljenjem

Third Learning, Teaching and Training Activity

Third Learning, Teaching and Training Activity

Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, organised the third learning, teaching and training activity (LTT) in March and April 2022. The event took place online on five different days, three of which were international and two national.

At the third learning, teaching and training activity, participants discussed several topics:

  • the organisation and framework of teaching practice as well as resources and activities,
  • innovations in teacher education through the Učitel Naživo (Teach Live) programme,
  • mentor teacher competences and education.

Učitel Naživo (Teach Live) programme for teaching practice in the Czech Republic.

We hosted two guest speakers, Barbora Zavadilová (MU & Teach Live) and Ivan Čermák (Elementary school Prague & Teach Live), who presented the Teach Live professionally-oriented teacher training programme, the evaluation methodology and its results, and the development of mentor teachers.

All in all, the third learning, teaching and training activity offered participants the opportunity to hear and discuss examples of good practice, and share their experiences. The insight into an innovative Teach Live programme was valuable and caught the attention of the participants.

Hybrid national meeting at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana.

International meeting with participants from Germany, Spain, Slovenia and the Czech Republic.
