Teaching Practice Partnership Model in Pre-Service Teacher Education (INSHIP)

Dissemination event at Masaryk University

On May 6, 2022, the MU partner from Czech Republic organized an INSHIP dissemination event at Masaryk University. The participants were school mentors, academics, policymakers and other stakeholders from Brno and South Moravian region, from Zlin region, Vysočina region, and Prague.

The participants were very interested in the topic of students‘ internships in schools. Some of the school mentors confirmed that they are sometimes missing more information about the students evaluation and they are missing the supervision of their work. The academics welcomed a new view on the internship and they appreciated the INSHIP model as an inspiration for their work. They mainly appreciated the quality indicators they can use in their practice directly. The organizers at MU created a space for exchange of the experience between academics and school mentors.
