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Each school has a different ‘welcome plan’, adapted to its particularities and needs. But in each plan, the first activity is always a meeting between the university tutor, the school tutor and the head teacher.
At this meeting, various topics are discussed, such as:
- Basic information about the teacher’s practises.
- The content of the ‘seminars’ at the university.
- The main goal of the specific period of practices.
- Documents to be reviewed by the teacher’s students.
- Organisation of the tasks to be done by the students.
- Professionalisation of the teacher.
- Basic information that student teachers need to know.
As an example, we present the activities of the welcome plan of a school in Castalla, Spain:
ACTIVITY 1: Meeting with the head teacher at 9:00. The head teacher will explain the following aspects:
School Organization.
- Entrances and exits of the centre.
- Teachers’ timetables.
- Teachers’ meetings.
- Hours for meetings with parents.
- In-service teacher training activities taking place in the school.
- Recess organization.
- School lunchroom organization.
- Teachers’ substitution protocols.
- Didactic material and consumables.
Education project of the center.
ACTIVITY 2: Coffee break.
ACTIVITY 3: Visit to the centre’s facilities. The teacher in charge of this visit is the primary school teacher coordinator.
ACTIVITY 4: Meeting with the principal.
At this meeting, each student receives their working plan, the classroom assigned to them, specific information about their tasks and the tutor assigned to them.
ACTIVITY 5: Meeting with the school tutor.
At the end of the day, each student has a meeting with their school tutor.
ACTIVITY 1: Meeting with the primary school teacher coordinator and with the kindergarden teacher coordinator.
At this meeting, students teachers receive a short training about the methodology that is used in the school. Moreover, some important aspects for the school are explained:
- Relationships with the families.
- Behaviour plan.
- Teaching materials.
ACTIVITY 2: Each student goes to the class of his/her tutor.
ACTIVITY 3: At the end of the day, there is a meeting with all the staff to introduce the student teachers.
ACTIVITY 1: Meeting with the Teacher coordinator of new technologies.
At this meeting, students learn about the school website, the computer equipment, the access to computers, etc.
ACTIVITY 2: Each student goes to their tutor’s class. In this class they will do team building activities with pupils.